What is a Privacy Statement for Children?

On your website, you might need a Privacy Statement for Children.  Several laws around the world focus on the protection of children online under the age of 13. The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is such a law. COPPA already came into force in April 2000 and is administered by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The COPPA was created to stop the rapid growth of online marketing techniques in the 1990s. With these techniques, children were targeted very specifically by means of misleading advertisements. Also, several websites collected data from children without parents knowing about it. The FTC stated that children should be protected, as research showed that children have no idea about the negative side of spreading their own information.

In short, COPPA states that:

  • Websites must ask permission from parents of children under the age of 13 before data can be collected.
  • The privacy statement must be transparent about the data that is being collected.
  • Parents’ consent must also be verifiable. The FTC states that to obtain permission, parents should call or email your agency. Credit card verification is also possible.
  • Parents should always be able to access and view their children’s data.
  • Parents should always be able to submit a request to have all of their child’s data deleted.

In concrete terms, it means that for you as a website owner or plugin user, you have to meet certain requirements. Within the Complianz plugin, we have provided the option to create a Privacy Statement for children.  This privacy statement explains the following to children and their parents:

  • Objectives of storing personal data
  • Way of discovering whether parents have given permission.
  • In which situations parental consent is not required.
  • With which parties data is shared.
  • How is being responded to Do Not Track Signals?
  • What cookies are used?
  • What security measures have been and are being taken?
  • Contact details including toll-free phone number.

Join 1M+ users and install The Privacy Suite for WordPress locally, automated or fully customized, and access our awesome support if you need any help!

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